For the fifth time that morning the little cat pushed her head repeatedly against the old man’s hand in a vain attempt at coaxing it into life. For ten years the lazy tuxedo had wanted for nothing. She had been doted upon to the point of obsession. Her bed had four posts, dinner was always catch of the day… and her ears were the subject of endless poggling. Leaping up … [Read more...]
100-Word Fiction: Not-So-Original Prankster
If only he’d stuck to gluing pound coins to the floor. But no, he had to go further, and Manchester Printworks on Sunday morning was perfect for it. Placing a small baggy of washing powder on the ground, he stepped back and waited. “Excuse me son,” said the bemused policeman, “are those your drugs?” When all you’ve got is a childishly idiotic excuse, it turns out … [Read more...]
100-Word Fiction: Numbers Game
“I like you. I want you to be my girlfriend.” As the girl on the other end of the phone launched into a response, he stared intently at the mirror opposite his bed. “See, you do remember, yeah. I work with Mark at the Oriental. He gave me your number.” Looking down from the mirror he continued tapping out a text. "Okay, I’ll speak to you later." Glancing back at … [Read more...]
100-Word Fiction: Cuddling Panda Babies
They were giant, fat bundles of soft-toy-fluff and all Sarah wanted to do was cuddle them. The trouble was, the panda babies were in China somewhere – on a breeding program – and Sarah was stuck in the accounts office in Macclesfield. “They’d nip you,” said her daughter, concerned over the phone, that evening. The next day, back in the workplace, Sarah tried to hone in on … [Read more...]