Brave Little Turkey Launches Heartfelt Christmas Appeal Somewhere in Norfolk a brave little turkey managed to smuggle out a recording detailing exactly what she wants for Christmas. We don’t know if this plucky old bird made it out with her tape… but wherever she is, we salute her courage and decided to use it to try and do some good (we also hope she isn’t too offended by … [Read more...]
About Our Multimedia
We produce a wide range of short parody songs and videos, along with documentaries, comic poetry, spoken word and other audio materials.
Song: You Ain’t No Muslim Bruv
Stella has just sent us her take on the heckle heard around the world. It made us giggle… and like all of her stuff, we’ll keep putting it online until she gets us sued (at which point we’ll just stand on a street corner with a speaker). You Ain't No Muslim Bruv Music Credit: Noel Gay Surging out onto the street Frantic panting, pounding feet Rubber-neckers … [Read more...]
Down to Margate – The Anti-UKIP Music Video (feat. Stella)
On the 28th of February 2015 hundreds of people from all over Britain descended on UKIPs Spring Margate Conference to let them know that their viewpoints were repugnant. So obviously... we had to make a music video. … [Read more...]
Song: Meet Stella, our Friendly Neighbourhood Protest Singer
We first met Stella at a very, very dull event a few years ago. She was carrying a guitar and looking as bored as we were, so we pounced over for a chat. Within a few minutes she was belting out a tongue-in-cheek explanation of what she did, and she’s been our go to singer of amusing songs ever since. Most of the time she’s trying to put a serious point across... But … [Read more...]
Brum Brum Baree: A Decidedly Odd Arts Documentary
When we set out to make this documentary in the spring of 2014, we had a pretty good idea how it was going to go. But by the time we finished in autumn, it had turned into something completely different. Instead of making a thought provoking piece on the complex relationship between the arts and the political left… we accidentally made a documentary about Birmingham. This … [Read more...]
Oozing Brie Song: Why Won’t He Join My Yearly Cheese Holiday?
Our resident protest singer doesn’t always write songs with a political edge. Stella recently picketed her cheese-dunce of a husband for refusing to join her annual cheese constitutional in France. After five years of refusal, you’d think he might relent and join her for some seeping Reblochon and gum-tingling Saint-Maure de Touraine. Alas no… and Stella is not … [Read more...]
Ballad to Modern Colonials: Don’t be Snooty with the Kenyans
If there is one thing guaranteed to rile our Stella it is the patronising British attitude to the ‘Africans’. “Africa is a continent… not a bloody country!” she begins to wail to ultra-middle-class golf club types up who momentarily glance at their shoes before going back to bragging and brandishing upon the fine exploits of young, trainee doctor, Tarquin. “It is not just a … [Read more...]
50th Anniversary Song: Keep the Searchlight Shining
For the 50th Anniversary of Searchlight Magazine, we collaborated with our go-to singer, Stella, to commemorate the occasion. Whilst its first public performance wasn’t exactly a success (we forgot to bring Stella with us. Seriously. This is not a joke), the song’s an absolute belter. Keep the Searchlight Shining Music credit: Ivor Novello It was May 1964 And the … [Read more...]
P.R.I.V.A.C.Y Song: A Eulogy to Facebook
After Googling herself and being mortifyingly embarrassed at some of the things she’s said and done over the years… Stella is demanding the return of her data footprint. And she’s not doing it quietly. Song: P.R.I.V.A.C.Y Music credit: Dolly Parton My Facebook page is six years old and knows all about me It's been my friend through thick and thin, I'm sure we'd both … [Read more...]
Fab Farage Song: Drinking Pints & Usurping the Far Right
Fab Farage and UKIP… a meteoric rise that would be funny if it wasn’t so scary. From the Euros to the General Election, it’s going to be an interesting 12 months for the ‘definitely not a racist party’. Fab Farage: A UKIP Odyssey (with Slightly Racist Notes) Music credit: Stan Ridgway I was reading manifestos, needed to fly my flag Elections were looming and I had a … [Read more...]